Activate your authentic

inner nature 

Become aware of what is incredibly powerful in you and and build your development strategy with it

When the number of difficulties you’re facing pile up to the point of stopping you. When you’re on edge on a regular basis. In your life, in your business life and you become secretly distraught, frustrated, and even discouraged. We’re convinced that we can refill you with energy and boost your mood. And this strong belief of ours is that there exists within you an inexhaustible resource which may quickly help you regain confidence in your fundamental value and reconnect with development and success. Giving you a new momentum is what SAYactivate coaching is about. Discovering this resource and your inner design is the discovery quest you’re taking on.

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Our coaching services

There is no coaching that looks like another, for each person is unique and requires a unique approach to address their problem. However, there are needs that overlap and are frequently expressed. It is for this reason and to give an idea of the form that the accompaniments would take, that I have created 4 specific coaching and described them in the homepage. They are organized according to a general cycle: from orientation coaching to life change coaching, which I deal with in my “reinvention coaching”. And I also focus on the question of integration into new functions or on performance when there is a need to take on a new job, leave your city of residence, or evolve within a position. To open to the world and change viewpoint, I also propose a special training product for speaking in English.

I propose my coaching using French or English.

They have trusted Bernard GARNIER de Labareyre

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Jens Gruenert
Senior Medical Director DACH bei Zogenix GmbH

Bernard is a highly dedicated professional and it was always good to work with him. Regardless of the high amount of work and his tough tasks he always managed to structure and coordinate our cross-border team in th best possible way. Apart from that he was always a preferred person to speak to.

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Le formateur a su détecter les attentes et se mettre à niveau de celles-ci.
A pu parfaitement s’adapter à un adulte pour une remise à niveau de la langue parlée, tout en soulignant les difficultés de prononciation ou grammaticales sans alourdir les échanges.
Utilisation des sites internet, une pratique reproductible pour le stagiaire.
Objectif atteints pour ces 20 heures de formation, allant au-delà d’un cours classique pour l’usage de moyens modernes de communication dans la matière enseigné.
J’ai apprécié la souplesse pour la programmation des séances, y compris pendant les week-end avec Skype.

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Mère de famille
En reconversion professionnelle

Après des années de psychanalyse, un peu déçue de tout ce temps passé à creuser les vieilles problématiques, j’ai trouvé la méthode novatrice, rafraichissante et positive. Puissante aussi. Bernard m’a donné un éclairage nouveau sur mon « essence », sur ce qui était à la source de mon comportement. Cela m’a déculpabilisée de découvrir mon noyau de singularité. Cela donne aussi une grille de lecture très intéressante et utile sur les rapports entre les différents noyaux de singularité et donc sur nos rapports avec les autres. Je comprends mieux certaines réactions de mon entourage.

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Vanessa Colombier
Communications Manager at Fondation du Bocage

Bernard was one of the best person to work with as he enjoyed playing in team and was very cautious to make sure his team was playing well and enjoyed their work together so that we could deliver the best to our client. Bernard was one of the best person to work with as he enjoyed playing in team and was very cautious to make sure his team was playing well and enjoyed their work together so that we could deliver the best to our client.

You’re interested by our coaching services?

Do not hesitate to explore the promising potential of your fundamental talent connected with your WHY. You can now take the free 5-minute quiz
Or you can write to or call 06 09 31 25 14 for a brief and confidential interview which may be the first step towards finding the adequate support solution and the right coach for you!

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Save 10 minutes a day -everyday – to establish a new habit

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The French are not gifted foreign languages speakers? Here to change your mind set about English speaking

La croyance est solidement établie que les français sont « nuls en langues » et que la faute en est à l’enseignement dispensé en France.

The art of defining the “purpose of being inspired by art”: a path for young creators

Aujourd’hui la « Raison d’Être » des entreprises est devenue un sujet important pour la plupart d’entre elles et fait l’objet de recherches et d’études approfondies.