Become aware of what is incredibly powerful in you and and build your development strategy with it
When the number of difficulties you’re facing pile up to the point of stopping you. When you’re on edge on a regular basis. In your life, in your business life and you become secretly distraught, frustrated, and even discouraged. We’re convinced that we can refill you with energy and boost your mood. And this strong belief of ours is that there exists within you an inexhaustible resource which may quickly help you regain confidence in your fundamental value and reconnect with development and success. Giving you a new momentum is what SAYactivate coaching is about. Discovering this resource and your inner design is the discovery quest you’re taking on.
Our coaching services
There is no coaching that looks like another, for each person is unique and requires a unique approach to address their problem. However, there are needs that overlap and are frequently expressed. It is for this reason and to give an idea of the form that the accompaniments would take, that I have created 4 specific coaching and described them in the homepage. They are organized according to a general cycle: from orientation coaching to life change coaching, which I deal with in my “reinvention coaching”. And I also focus on the question of integration into new functions or on performance when there is a need to take on a new job, leave your city of residence, or evolve within a position. To open to the world and change viewpoint, I also propose a special training product for speaking in English.
I propose my coaching using French or English.
They have trusted Bernard GARNIER de Labareyre
I had the pleasure of welcoming Bernard at EuroRSCG Life when he joined the team and started his experience in healthcare... Bernard handled coordination with affiliates in a very professional way, had great rapport with clients. It is been a pleasure to work with him, and see how he rises to challenges and responds positively.I had the pleasure of welcoming Bernard at EuroRSCG Life when he joined the team and started his experience in healthcare... Bernard handled coordination with affiliates in a very professional way, had great rapport with clients. It is been a pleasure to work with him, and see how he rises to challenges and responds positively.
Bernard est mon coach depuis juillet dernier. Il m'a guidée à travers le processus de singularité, qui m'aide à mieux comprendre ma personnalité, tant sur le plan personnel que professionnel, et à améliorer l'interaction dans un environnement professionnel stimulant. Son coaching est très professionnel et il fournit des analyses approfondies et un matériel très bien organisé sur lequel travailler d'une session à l'autre. Je le recommande vivement aux personnes qui souhaitent s'engager dans une compréhension plus profonde d'elles-mêmes et un engagement plus profond et sincère pour une vie pleine de sens à tous les niveaux.
I had the absolute pleasure of working with Bernard on the Sanofi account. While most companies claim of a strong network, ours was a truly unified one, thanks to the efforts of people like him, who constantly believed in sharing knowledge and best practices within the teams across the world. His commitment and drive is stunning. I am sure he will do well in any role he assumes. Cheers!
Lorsqu’on m’a décrit de loin ce travail et comment il pouvait aider une personne, j’étais moi même un peu perdu et désabusé. Je me suis dis que j’y trouverais peut-être des réponses..
Cela m’a aidé à comprendre beaucoup mieux ma manière de fonctionner et à corriger certains "déséquilibres" que je m’infligeais. Bernard est vraiment un interlocuteur curieux et motivé par son désir de nous aider profondément. Il a un vrai instinct de compréhension de notre essence. Cela aide considérablement la discussion et le travail. La méthode avance vite et on ne se perd pas en route. On arrive rapidement à des résultats intéressants. Le travail est très organisé, et il en ressort quelque chose d’unique. Attention cependant, tout n’est pas qu’une partie de plaisir. Autant il y a souvent des moments assez jouissifs de compréhension de soi et d’autrui, autant cela peut en devenir vertigineux. Accrochez votre ceinture !
Je pense qu’il y a un véritable intérêt à aller vers ce genre de coaching si on a un budget assez serré. Dans le sens où je pense que plein d'autres solutions diverses et variées permettent d'arriver plus ou moins au même résultat, mais dans un temps plus long et donc souvent plus coûteux.
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Or you can write to or call 06 09 31 25 14 for a brief and confidential interview which may be the first step towards finding the adequate support solution and the right coach for you!